Saturday, February 20, 2010

Бабслэй - Елдырина слобода

Very interesting all women folk-punk band from Russia. I've learned that Russian incarnations of folk-punk are very, very different than American incarnations, as these girls sound like a mixture of Gogol Bordello, Bjork, and a kind of World/Inferno Friendship Society circus-esque music style. I'm pretty sure that the story goes that they broke up and a few of them reformed into Iva Nova (Ива Нова). Note that I may not have rewritten the track names correctly from their English-phonetic spelling, so any of you Russian-speakers out there want to make any spelling corrections, by all means please do :)
  1. Огуси
  2. В Бору Сосна...
  3. Пташечка
  4. Солнушко
  5. У Ворот
  6. Садочек
  7. Холмогоры
  8. Частушка
  9. Говнорер
  10. Свадба
  11. Варенка
  12. На Печи
  13. Тма
  14. Весточка
  15. Танго
Genre: Folk Punk, Avante Garde
Year: 2001
Country: Russia

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