Friday, June 18, 2010

Чернозём - Паводок

  1. Романс
  2. МаМаМа
  3. Налегке
  4. Паводок
  5. Нет Дома
  6. Серенада
  7. Голько
  8. Если бы мы Снали
  9. Тюмень
  10. Мы Радаем Вниз
  11. Памяти Кручёнык
  12. Антисанитария
  13. Над Заборами
  14. БП
  15. Ненавсегда
  16. Паводок
Genre: Anarcho-Punk, Avant Garde
Year: 2004
Country: Russia

Pronounced "Chernozyom"... I don't really know how to describe this band. They're sort of the closest thing I've found in the Russian punk scene to anarcho-punk, yet they maintain a very obscure, avant garde quality to them. I actually don't know what to call them... Indie doesn't exactly feel fitting, but neither do other genres.

I highly suggest giving track 13 a listen to. It's the song that really won my heart with this band (and to note it's not the original track 13 on the album... it's a cleaner version and maybe a newer version of the song). Also, thanks to AntiPunk for providing this album!

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