Wonderful guide. Toothpaste is an utter waste of money. Refined sugars are shit. All you need is nature. (WARNING! May contain a bunch of "hippy shit")
Below is a comprehensive list of radical/leftist/Anarchist/collectivist groups, stores, spaces, etc., for people to get involved with their community. If you have any groups/spaces/etc. that you want me to include, please let me know!
If you're having trouble navigating for something in your area, use the search function of your browser (usually Cmd+F) and search for your city, state, or country code (country codes are done in 3 letters, i.e. RUS - Russia, IRE - Ireland, USA - United States of America, MEX - Mexico, etc., except when a country's name is typically abbreviated with only 2 letters, i.e. UK - United Kingdom, etc.).
Local Spaces, Groups, and Scenes (Work in progress)
In time, I hope to establish this blog as both a resource for exploring a variety of music, as well as connecting other Anti-Capitalist, Feminist, LGBTI, Anti-Fascist, Direct Action, etc. material.
Like many that run these sorts of websites, I do not believe in copyrights of intellectual material; we are in an information age, and as such information should be shared freely to support an open and healthy intellectual world. Many of these bands, however, require the support of their fans and followers to continue making music and spreading their message. If you enjoy the music on here, support the bands by seeing them live if you are able and by purchasing their music/t-shirts/other stuff directly from them rather than from a distro.
"Insurrection is an art, and like all arts has its own laws.” LeonTrotsky
Guide: Ripping songs from websites
Here is a little trick that I just found out about. Basically, most websites that let you listen to a full length song have a way of ripping that song from the website. What you need to do is have Mozilla Firefox browser and an addon called "Download Helper". When you have both of these, you'll see three colored circled just to the right of your address bar (to the left of the Google search bar). Open a song to listen to on your browser (you don't need to listen to the whole song, it just needs to have time to download into your browser's cache). After that, click the three circles icon described earlier, click the file that comes up in the drop-down menu, and it will ask you to "Save As".
Voila! I've managed to get this to work with Playlist.com and Yahoo! Music so far, but be careful not to find a site that just gives you a short clip of a song.
Stupid and pointless disclaimer: this is for educational purposes only... duh!
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